National Theme Songwriting Competition for the Fifth Visit of the Relics of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus in the Philippines
The National Organizing Committee of the 5th Philippine Visit of the Pilgrim Relics of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (led by the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines (MOP)) and the Jesuit Music Ministry (JMM) of Jesuit Communications Foundation Inc. invite amateur and professional songwriters to join the song-writing competition for the 5th Philippine Visit of the Pilgrim Relics of St. Thérèse.
- The Competition is open to all composers, songwriters, and/or lyricists (amateur or professional) worldwide who are Filipino citizens or of Filipino descent and at least 18 years of age.
- All employees of the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines, Jesuit Communications, Sponsors of the Competition, and their relatives up to the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity are not qualified to join the Competition.
- The composer must not be a member of/or have pre-assigned his rights to the composition to a company or an organization.
- A contestant may submit a maximum of two (2) Entries, whether the same be as an individual, a collaboration, or both.
- Each Entry must be an original work of the Contestant and all rights, including copyright must be owned exclusively by the Contestant.
- The lyrics must be in Filipino or English or a combination of both
- Entries can either be a liturgical, religious, inspirational and can be a slow or fast song.
- If the lyrics include a word, which does not have a general and accepted definition, the Contestant must explain the meaning and basis for including the word through a footnote in the lyric sheets; and the lyrics shall not include words, which are registered trademarks.
- Entry must convey the theme and spirit about the values and writings of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus
- Entry must not exceed four minutes and thirty seconds in length including intro and extro.
- Entries that are found to contain two (2) or more bars of melody or lyrics similar to that of a copyrighted, released song in the Philippines or abroad are disqualified
- A chosen artist of the songwriter should perform the entry.
- The Contestant must submit the following per entry: an accomplished entry form with complete personal data as required on the Jesuit Communications website (www.jescom.ph), PDF file of the lyrics of the musical composition with chords or music sheet, mp3/WAV file of the musical composition;
- Photo of contestant; and scanned copy of passport or other government-issued ID; If passport cannot be provided: Birth certificate, Certificate of Dual Citizenship, or other proof of Filipino citizenship or descent;
Submission of Entries will begin on Sep 12, 2022
Deadline of submission of Entries will be on Oct 28, 2022
Entries submitted beyond this date are disqualified.
From the song entries submitted, the judges will choose ten finalists. Which will then be judged for final selection of the winner of the panel of judges selected by the organizers.
Originality and Creativity Applied songwriting style, technique, skill, | 30% |
Lyrics Does the song express the theme in the lyrics? Is the lyrics understandable, cohesive? | 30% |
Melody Is the song fresh, creative, pleasing to the ear? Does it have a “recall”? Does it have a memorable/melodic phrase? Does the mood of the melody match the lyrics? Are there distinguishable contrasts between the sections of the song? | 30% |
Overall Appeal Suitable as recording material for evangelization/appeal to audience. Is the song effective for enjoyable, repeated listening? | 10% |
This call for entries is voluntary; all songwriters participating are understood as sharing their talents, as all entries are not subject to any form of remuneration.
Each song entry will be screened and selected according to the mechanics given, as well as its originality, lyrics, melody, composition and overall appeal.
Once the winner is chosen, JMM will get in touch with the songwriter to inform them about the result. The decision of the organizers is considered final.
- In the event an Entry is declared a Finalist (“Finalist Entry/ies”) in the Competition, the Contestant agrees to grant and assign to Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc. and the National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the 5th Philippine Visit of the Pilgrim Relics of St.Thérèse, all rights, title, interest and copyright to said Entry. The Contestant shall execute the necessary Exclusive Publishing Agreement in favor of Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc. prior to the formal announcement of the Finalists. The failure or refusal of a Contestant to execute said agreement prior to the announcement shall be a ground for disqualification.
- Without limiting the foregoing, the Contestant agrees that in the event that his/her/their entry is selected as Finalist, Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc and the National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the 5th Philippine Visit of the Pilgrim Relics of St. Thérèse shall have the exclusive and unlimited right, worldwide and in perpetuity, to the musical composition (music and lyrics), with the full right and authority:
- 2.1. To use, synchronize with, and exhibit the musical composition in any audiovisual work, including, but not limited to, motion pictures, television shows, commercial advertisements, and/or audiovisual presentations;
- 2.2. To broadcast, transmit, televise, or otherwise make available, and publicly perform, said musical composition;
- 2.3. To record, produce, reproduce, promote, distribute, and sell sound recordings or audio representations of the musical composition
- 2.4. To edit or adapt the musical composition to conform to the technological or commercial requirements of phonograph records in various formats now or hereafter known or developed;
- 2.5. To cause its delivery through any mode of delivery now or hereafter known, including, but not limited to streaming, subscription, downloading, webcasting, etc.
- 2.6. To license or exploit the musical composition for any commercial or legal purpose;
- 2.7. To eliminate or edit material which may subject Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc to any civil or criminal action;
- 2.8. To authorize the adaptation or translation of the work;
- 2.9. To authorize the production or manufacture or merchandise using, suggesting, or being a representation of the Entry or any part thereof;
- 2.10. To set rates for any and all usages, or to not charge therefore, at Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc. sole discretion;
- 2.11. To collect all revenues due on all transactions entered into by it; and to represent the Contestant/s in all matters relating to their respective Entry/ies;
- 2.12. To authorize third parties to do any or all of the above, or to assign any of its rights herein;
- 2.13. To use the same for any purpose, in any manner and by any means, at Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc sole discretion.
- In addition to the above rights, Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc. and the National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the 5th Philippine Visit of the Pilgrim Relics of St. Thérèse shall have the following rights:
- 3.1. to use any or all of the Entries submitted, free of charge, in connection with the airing, broadcast, and/or promotion of the Competition on any and all media, throughout the world in perpetuity;
- 3.2. to use any of the Finalist Entries for any purpose or usage on any of its programs or platforms, including the use thereof in replays beyond the periods indicated, without need for any remuneration to the Contestant by Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc:
An entry submission constitutes the permission to use the songwriter’s name and information provided on the form without necessitating permission and compensation.
All entries will become the property of the Jesuit Music Ministry of Jesuit Communications Foundation and the National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the 5th Philippine Visit of the Pilgrim Relics of St. Thérèse. By submitting the entry, the songwriter agrees that any and all intellectual property rights are deemed assigned to JesCom. Furthermore, JMM reserves the right to modify the selected song.
1st Place | ₱30,000 |
2nd Place | ₱15,000 |
3rd Place | ₱10,000 |
Finalists will receive a Certificate or Recognition