This follows the journey of 7 year old Popoy, an orphan longing to be adopted and have a family. Convinced that the adults who visit their orphanage are looking to adopt, Popoy prepares for every visitation: ready to impress with a song and dance, a charming smile, and ready to engage in a witty conversation. He never loses hope that soon, someone will fall in love with him and adopt him. When he befriends another orphan, the sickly and timid Tano, and teaches him to become more “bibo” (charming and versatile), he unwittingly creates his own rival when word gets around that a visiting couple likes “bibo” children. This becomes Popoy’s dilemma: to go for his own dream, or let Tano have his. As he and Tano vie for attention and affection, will Popoy follow the greatest example of self-sacrifice?
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