Celebrating 15 Years of “The Word Exposed”: A Night of Gratitude and Vision



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MANILA – In a splendid gathering at the Monet 2 Grand Ballroom of the Novotel Manila-Araneta on Saturday, September 16, 2023, esteemed benefactors, partners, and friends came together to celebrate the 15th anniversary of “The Word Exposed,” a globally acclaimed program of JesCom (Jesuit Communications Foundation).

The evening’s Thanksgiving Dinner was a heartfelt expression of gratitude for the unwavering support that has propelled “The Word Exposed” from its humble beginnings in 2008 to the global phenomenon it is today. Organized by JesCom in partnership with the J. Amado Araneta Foundation, the event was a testament to the program’s remarkable journey as well as a commitment to the future.

Photos courtesy of Loiola Go

Fr. Nono Alfonso, SJ, Executive Director of JesCom, delivered the opening remarks, highlighting the program’s extraordinary growth over the years. He acknowledged the dedication of his team and the invaluable support from benefactors, without which the program’s success would not have been possible. Fr. Nono also shared his initial concerns when Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle was appointed to a high post in Rome but emphasized the Cardinal’s unwavering commitment to the program, saying, “No distance, no barrier can stand in the way of his passion to proclaim the Word of God.”

The night’s entertainment featured the enchanting voice of Ms. Lara Maigue, a renowned soprano and songwriter, accompanied by the talented keyboardist Kim Dominik Sarmiento. Their performance added a touch of elegance and inspiration to the event.

Guests were also able to watch a visual presentation that chronicled the journey of “The Word Exposed” from its inception on November 30, 2008, to its current global prominence. The program has gained a robust following on social media and can be accessed through various platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, and the Hallow App.

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, the beloved host of “The Word Exposed,” delivered a profound exposition on evangelization in the time of Pope Francis. The Pro-Prefect for the Section of First Evangelization of Dicastery for Evangelization emphasized the importance of creating authentic human encounters and using social communication for truth, justice, and love. Cardinal Tagle’s insights resonated deeply with the audience and highlighted the show’s commitment to spreading the Good News.

As the evening neared its end, Fr. Nono Alfonso returned to the stage to make a heartfelt appeal for continued support for “The Word Exposed.” He unveiled big dreams for the future, including the setting up of the Institute of the Word Exposed. This institute will serve as a powerhouse and resource center for religious education, homiletics, catechesis, conferences on pressing issues, and media training.  Whilst sharing his vision, Fr.Nono called on benefactors to continue to believe in the greater purpose and mission of media evangelization in today’s world.

Before his dear guests bid him goodbye, Cardinal Tagle presided over the final blessing, leaving attendees with a sense of grace and purpose. As the evening finally came to a close, the Thanksgiving Dinner celebrating “The Word Exposed’s” 15th anniversary proved to be a grace-filled night of reflection, inspiration, and hope, reminding everyone of the program’s profound impact and the bright future it envisions for media evangelization.

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