Hindi Ka Nag-Iisa: Inside Radyo Katipunan’s coverage of PNoy’s Final Farewell



For two eventful and unforgettable days, Radyo Katipunan 87.9 FM opened the doors of the Ateneo to the rest of a heavyhearted nation, as the Filipino people bid one last goodbye to an honorable leader and proud son of Loyola.

Through its comprehensive coverage, entitled “Hindi Ka, Nag-Iisa”, the Ateneo de Manila University’s official campus radio live-streamed the Honor Rites, public viewing, Requiem Masses, and Internment Mass, held in honor of former President Benigno Simeon ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III—garnering over one million total views on its Facebook (facebook.com/radyokatipunan) and YouTube (RadyoKatipunanFM) pages.

Beginning with the 10 am arrival of the President’s urn at the Church of the Gesu on Friday, June 25, accompanied by live commentary from Radyo Katipunan program hosts Noel Ferrer (All Kaps!), JMM Director Lester Mendiola (JMM Radio) and Bian Orenciana (MindEd), the ‘Voice of the Blue Eagle’ continued its broadcast late into the evening, with masses presided by Ateneo President Fr. Roberto Yap SJ and Fr. Albert Alejo SJ—highlighted by Fr. Jose Ramon Villarin SJ’s touching eulogy.

Before the final transfer of the President’s cremated remains to Manila Memorial Park on Saturday morning, June 26, Radyo Katipunan aired ‘PNoy’s’ Interment Mass, celebrated by Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop, Socrates Villegas D.D.—who shared his inspiring message on bringing back decency in governance.

The tightly condensed schedule, long broadcast hours and sheer magnitude of the memorial service may indeed have been exhausting for any media outfit. Yet for Radyo Katipunan Station Coordinator Justin Pontino, the opportunity to give a lasting tribute, to a public servant of principle and upstanding character, was very well worth it.

“The RK and JesCom teams were prepared to cover events, as we anticipate the upcoming activities of the Ignatian month. If there was anything that we were not prepared for, I guess it’s the whole day coverage since it’s the longest we’ve covered for an event to date,” he recalled of their tireless effort.

“I think this will be forever etched in the history of the university and that of RK-JesCom, that we’ve paid tribute to a president by hosting his funeral. It’s not our first time to host VIPs in RK, but being able to mount this coverage for such an esteemed person, more so, a previous president of the Republic, brings such an immense honor and at the same time, a humbling experience.”

While Pontino and his production teammates worked nonstop behind the scenes to deliver the well-executed broadcast, they couldn’t help but be moved by the heartrending show of support by the public who came in droves to honor the departed 15th President of the Philippines.

“That was also another thing we were not prepared to see—the outpouring of emotions brought by the massive crowd that came in to pay their respects to PNoy,” expressed Pontino.

“From an array of dignitaries and well-known individuals down to the ordinary Juan who braved the elements and queued up from Gate 3, just to pay their last respects, we all saw their expression of immense love and inconsolable sadness for the loss of this great man.”

As Radyo Katipunan continues to serve as a vital media platform for the Ateneo community, Pontino hopes that through their coverage of “Hindi Ka, Nag-Iisa”the most important lessons of PNoy’s legacy as a true ‘man for others’, live on forever.

“We only wish that our community is proud of what we achieved in mounting up this coverage, but at the same time, we call our community to never forget a great man and his works. May it serve as a reminder for us that there is still hope for our country to be led by someone who has wisdom, courage, honor, and love for his people.”

Credit to the owner: Les Mendiola (FB)